Sunday 8 January 2012

Resolution time - Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to everyone! Well, I'm already falling a bit short on my first resolution - to organise my time better.  Where has this first week gone?!

My first full year living in London  - it's been fun, it's been busy, it's been overwhelming at times but on the whole I'm loving it!  It took both me and Oliver a while to settle in to London life - at first we felt like we had to be busy all the time as there's so much to do, but now we've realised there's always going to be lots to do and it can't all be done as time is needed to relax too - this was a hard lesson for me to learn as I'm not very good at relaxing!

I didn't write any resolutions last year so I thought I'd write some this year - here goes!

New Year Resolutions

  1. Organise my time better, at home and at work
  2. Sign up for the Archives & Records Association Registration Scheme
  3. Get back to reading more non-fiction
  4. Try and visit a new-to-me Cinema/film screening venue once a month 
  5. Keep a record of all the films I watch and books I read
  6. Buy less clothes/get back to learning to sew
  7. Introduce the idea of Analog Sunday's as I saw it on a blog I recently found 'Someday. by Avalonne Hall' Try and have at least 2 a month
1. hmmn, not quite sure how easy this will (see above)
2. I think I'll leave this till February as I've got quite a lot on at work this month already and I don't want to spend all my time when I'm not in my work still doing archive-related work.  I went to a Registration Scheme workshop so I need to a. find my notes from this then b. write them up for the London region newsletter - this will be my first step towards signing up for registration.

3. I have lots of non-fiction sitting on my shelves just waiting to be read so time and motivation are the only constraints here.
4. Can't see any problems with this one!
5. I used to keep scrapbooks that I would fill with all my gig, cinema and exhibition tickets.  I'd like to get back to doing this but make it a bit more personal by trying to add in short notes on the films/books/gigs.
6. Ahem, well motivation is the main one here, as well as organisation of course.  I could have done some sewing today but instead filled my day with housework, cooking and watching 'The Philadelphia Story' for the third or fourth time!

7. Well, apart from today that is!  I would like to try and have more days without opening my laptop.  It might be harder not to check Twitter on my phone though!  Over the Christmas holidays we were back in Scotland for 9 days and only went on a computer once.  I really enjoyed the break, and even though I checked Twitter I didn't really engage with it at all over the holidays.  So yes, I'd like to make an effort to have computer/Internet free days.  I didn't add 'No television' to mine as I enjoy watching films on a Sunday. Similarly I phone my Gran most Sunday's so I certainly couldn't make Sunday a phone-free day!

So, let's see how these go. I don't think I've set myself anything groundbreaking or to difficult so hopefully I can stick to them all!

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